Friday, January 25, 2019

6A – Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

1. The length of life keeps increasing.
People are living longer and  working longer into there life. This then creates a push for more health care professionals to take care of these older people. This causes a huge opportunity in jobs for the younger generation.
2. The amount of time people spend at work is decreasing.
This amount of time decrease causes productivity growth to become lower while productivity rates are higher. So this problem can be lookin at from the growth and the rates. The growth becoming lower is the problem and if you increased the growth while also keeping the rates high is would lead to maximum efficiency. 

1. Sales tax
The issue is that e-commerce no longer has 0 sales tax. This effects a-lot because e-commerce is a booming sector than will now face the issue of lower prices to occupy the new tax. 
2. Trade
The Trump administration just let loose a-lot of new tariffs with the United States trading partners. This is an issue because tariffs affect US exports. These new policies and tariffs make trade a little more complicated so it would have been ideal to stock up before the tariffs hit. 

5A Identifying Local Opportunities

1. Trio of Palm Beach County restaurants shut down temporarily
3 restaurants in Palm Beach County have been shut down due to not meeting health requirements and having a lot of violations.
The Problem: These restaurants didn't properly look at the violations and had to many to continue work.
Who: Residents in Palm Beach County  
2. Submerged Ferrari in Palm Beach: Oh God, that's good!
A driver was told to move his ferrari from an illegal parking spot and he drove the car off the dock instead. 
The Problem: There is a ferrari in the middle of the Intracoastal because this guy drove his into it.
Who: The driver, James Mucciaccio Jr.
3.DuBois fees catch officials off guard County residents would be charged $10 per day beginning March 1
The natural park Dubois has released fees to reduce traffic in the parking lot and it is shocking everyone because they just passed their latest budget 3 months ago.
The Problem: Dubois has presented unknown fees that are new and weren't on the most recent approved budget
Who: people who visit Dubois 
4. Elementaries feel pinch of teacher shortage
The shortage in teachers this year has even affected elementary school as they are down teachers when historically they never are. 
The Problem: Not enough teachers for the amount of classes there are.
Who: Students
5. Rick Scott won't accept email, only voice mail
Senator Rick Scott does not answer emails and only responds to voicemails, thats the only way to reach him
The Problem: The Senator cannot be reached through the most common form of communication electronically during the government shutdown.
Who: The people under the jurisdiction of Senator Scott

Friday, January 18, 2019

4A Forming an Opportunity Belief

1. I think there is an opportunity that fast food can become even faster.
2. The unmet need is speeding up fast food by getting an app an ordering your food before you even leave your house or before you leave the bar late at night. This appeals to everyone who is in a hurry and just wants to get their food and go. I am very confident this opportunity exists because it already exists it just meeds to be refined and used by more restaurants, aka fast food.

3A: Customer 1- My roommate Matt- lives in Gainesville
    He didn't realize he had the need until I presented the idea. He then agreed that is would speed things up especially during busy hours. He is satisfied with this idea because he hates waiting in the line at the Mcdonalds on university late at night. After this interview I am still confident in my idea and its possibility. 

3B: Customer 2- My Mom- lives in West Palm
   She stated that there is no need for this because fast food is fast enough and she doesn't eat that enough for it to be useful. I tried to explain how crowded fast food places get late at night but because she doesn't experience it she doesn't agree or understand. The thoughts I have from this interview put some doubt in my mind but also have hope because my mom is not the main demographic im targeting.

3C: Customer 3 -My cousin Austin - lives in Atlanta
     Asked him what he thought about the idea over the phone and he agreed that it could work but there are a lot of obstacles. He said he thought it was a good idea for a big city like Atlanta or another major city, but might not be ideal for smaller cities and towns. This interview made me realize i need to target big cities with this idea and keep my decision making with accordance to this info.

-How much of your original opportunity is still there?
   I believe the opportunity is still there, but is still too rough to put out, but yes i do believe the original opportunity is present.

-Do you believe that your new opportunity is more accurate than when you started? 
  I think the opportunity is more accurate, but may be less do-able know that the idea has been fleshed out a little. From where i started to now the idea has definitely become more accurate and clear. 

-How much do you think entrepreneurs should 'adapt' their opportunities based on customer feedback? (In other words, is there a trade-off between adapting and staying firm?) 
    I think that entrepreneurs need to listen to customer feedback a little bit, but not too much as they lose the originality they brought to the idea. They must find a happy medium between adapting too much or too less due to feedback. 

2A Bug List

1. Late night the Mcdonalds on university gets so packed it takes 30 minutes to get your order.
           Its probably because everyone is drunk and trying to get cheap food late at night.

2. All day the red lights in Gainesville stay red for too long and need to change faster.
          They have old sensors in the lights

3. Going out is annoying because people go out as early as 6 and 7 o clock.
           People go out early so they can leave earlier and go to bed earlier

4. When going out people who sit on the bar hinder everyone from getting drinks
           People are sitting on the bar to get drinks themselves

5. Canvas has many flaws and one of them is not notifying you when you have assignments and then you miss them.
         Canvas has so many users its hard to personalize

6. Many Apple phone cases break too easily for how expensive they are.
        Apple cases aren't made to resist that much and are more for style

7. The traffic on university in the morning is terribly crowded.
       University is a main road that leads to everywhere thats why its crowded

8. The chipotle on university is crowded at all times of the day
      The chipotle is in the middle of everything thats why its packed

9. I think online textbooks are way too expensive for how little they are used
         Online textbooks are so much because they can be accessed wherever

10. The Library West during midterms and finals is too crowded to study in
          During finals everyone goes to the main Library to study

11. The lack of parking in my apartment complex makes it hard for me to have friends over
       The complex is still in work and parking is not a main priority

12. All day the Southwest gym is so crowded it becomes 1 in 1 out.
       Southwest is the biggest gym at Uf thats why its crowded

13.  All day the Advising offices are usually full or have inconvenient times.
        Everyone always has questions about there classes and degree

14. It is difficult to get around campus in a timely manner if you don't have a scooter or car
          It encourages one to buy a motor vehicle

15. Scooter drivers on university are very reckless
        Scooter drivers are usually students in a rush to class

16. The Publix on university is always too crowed in the parking lot and it takes 15 minutes to get a spot.
      The Publix is in a great location with many residencies around it.

17. Going to class with a lot of students in a lecture hall is counterproductive because the amount of people in there decreases the learning potential.
      The classes need to be this big because limited amount of teachers

18. Trying to get Pizza by the Slice at around 12 to 3am takes forever because their are long lines.
        At this time drunk people are trying to get food and create a line

19. The Chick-Fil-A on university is packed from noon until around 5 everyday.
       Chick-Fil-A is in a great location and provides excellent food

20. Scooter parking on campus is hard to find during midday when everyone is at there classes.
        Many students have scooters because they are easier to find parking for than a car

Reflection: This exercise wasn't difficult until i got to number 10. Finding the back half of the problems took some thinking. Thinking of ways to word the problems was also an issue I ran into. The first 10 were relatively easy as there are many minor problems in college that you run into. All together I thought it was kinda difficult but was definitely do-able.

3A Entrepreneurship Story

My entrepreneurship experience comes from my parents. They bought a small shop in Gainesville and franchised it for a bigger health food restaurant chain called 3 Natives. My mom managed it for a year and then bought out the franchise and opened her own store, 2982 in the Swamp. This experience has shown me all the aspects of entrepreneurship. I chose to take ENT3003 because it satisfies a requirement for the innovation academy.  Image result for 3 natives

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Test Post

1st entry of the ENT3003 blog. This is testing to see if the blog works.