Friday, January 25, 2019

5A Identifying Local Opportunities

1. Trio of Palm Beach County restaurants shut down temporarily
3 restaurants in Palm Beach County have been shut down due to not meeting health requirements and having a lot of violations.
The Problem: These restaurants didn't properly look at the violations and had to many to continue work.
Who: Residents in Palm Beach County  
2. Submerged Ferrari in Palm Beach: Oh God, that's good!
A driver was told to move his ferrari from an illegal parking spot and he drove the car off the dock instead. 
The Problem: There is a ferrari in the middle of the Intracoastal because this guy drove his into it.
Who: The driver, James Mucciaccio Jr.
3.DuBois fees catch officials off guard County residents would be charged $10 per day beginning March 1
The natural park Dubois has released fees to reduce traffic in the parking lot and it is shocking everyone because they just passed their latest budget 3 months ago.
The Problem: Dubois has presented unknown fees that are new and weren't on the most recent approved budget
Who: people who visit Dubois 
4. Elementaries feel pinch of teacher shortage
The shortage in teachers this year has even affected elementary school as they are down teachers when historically they never are. 
The Problem: Not enough teachers for the amount of classes there are.
Who: Students
5. Rick Scott won't accept email, only voice mail
Senator Rick Scott does not answer emails and only responds to voicemails, thats the only way to reach him
The Problem: The Senator cannot be reached through the most common form of communication electronically during the government shutdown.
Who: The people under the jurisdiction of Senator Scott


  1. I’m very lucky to have in my group and be able to read from you. your 4th and 5th example of the local opportunities was great. Both are some very serious issues that need to be solved as soon as possible. Imagine our future kids not being able to receive the same education because of shortage in teachers. Also, think about a case in which the phone calls are not working and the only option to communicate with Rick Scott is through emails. That will be very annoying.

  2. I really enjoyed reading about your topics because there was a lot I hadn't heard of. I was pretty surprised to hear about the decline in teachers, but at the same time I wasn't. It is a shame how little teachers make and I am sure that has something to do with the decline.

  3. It was great to read some of these articles because there was a few that I have never read about before. I am actually from Palm Beach County and I was unaware about 3 restaurants shutting down due to not meeting health requirements and having a lot of violations. These articles that you research present many problems that definitely need to be solved.

  4. I am from Palm Beach County so it always is upsetting seeing that restaurants are being shut down for health code violations. This could have been a restaurant that I have been to before and I would have never known. The Dubois parking fees were a complete shock as well, that place has been free for as long as I can remember

  5. I thought you had some great articles to read about. They were all new stories for me to read about. It was very different on how to go about contacting Rick Scott by voicemail. I always thought email was the best way to get in contact with people like that! It also took me by surprise that anyone would drive their Ferrari off a dock and submerge it.
