Friday, January 18, 2019

4A Forming an Opportunity Belief

1. I think there is an opportunity that fast food can become even faster.
2. The unmet need is speeding up fast food by getting an app an ordering your food before you even leave your house or before you leave the bar late at night. This appeals to everyone who is in a hurry and just wants to get their food and go. I am very confident this opportunity exists because it already exists it just meeds to be refined and used by more restaurants, aka fast food.

3A: Customer 1- My roommate Matt- lives in Gainesville
    He didn't realize he had the need until I presented the idea. He then agreed that is would speed things up especially during busy hours. He is satisfied with this idea because he hates waiting in the line at the Mcdonalds on university late at night. After this interview I am still confident in my idea and its possibility. 

3B: Customer 2- My Mom- lives in West Palm
   She stated that there is no need for this because fast food is fast enough and she doesn't eat that enough for it to be useful. I tried to explain how crowded fast food places get late at night but because she doesn't experience it she doesn't agree or understand. The thoughts I have from this interview put some doubt in my mind but also have hope because my mom is not the main demographic im targeting.

3C: Customer 3 -My cousin Austin - lives in Atlanta
     Asked him what he thought about the idea over the phone and he agreed that it could work but there are a lot of obstacles. He said he thought it was a good idea for a big city like Atlanta or another major city, but might not be ideal for smaller cities and towns. This interview made me realize i need to target big cities with this idea and keep my decision making with accordance to this info.

-How much of your original opportunity is still there?
   I believe the opportunity is still there, but is still too rough to put out, but yes i do believe the original opportunity is present.

-Do you believe that your new opportunity is more accurate than when you started? 
  I think the opportunity is more accurate, but may be less do-able know that the idea has been fleshed out a little. From where i started to now the idea has definitely become more accurate and clear. 

-How much do you think entrepreneurs should 'adapt' their opportunities based on customer feedback? (In other words, is there a trade-off between adapting and staying firm?) 
    I think that entrepreneurs need to listen to customer feedback a little bit, but not too much as they lose the originality they brought to the idea. They must find a happy medium between adapting too much or too less due to feedback. 


  1. Your idea is one that could help a large amount of people. I am from the city, so I know how long lines can get at fast food restaurants. It becomes bad enough sometimes where the lines for the drive through block the road and contributes to the traffic, so ordering your food beforehand could alleviate some of the traffic because people will be getting their food even faster than before.

  2. I really agree with you. Although fast food is already fast compared to some restaurants, i believe your idea will make it even faster. However, i think there will be some negative effects such as the quality of food received by customers. Imagine how poor the food from fast food restaurant is, and i guess it will be even worse. I also think that maybe hiring more people to work and expanding the restaurants based on the maximum amount of customer will help.

  3. Hi Sam! I definitely agree with this. Although we use various food ordering sites to help speed up the process, it is not always the fastest way, and I believe your idea can make it better. This reminds me of one time I ordered Chipotle togo and when I got to the restaurant to pick up my food, I still had to wait 30 more minutes before I actually got it. I thought to myself, why did I even order it online, because at that point, waiting on the line in store would of probably been quicker.

  4. Sam,
    I definitely agree that opportunity of making fast food faster can still be refined. The majority of people are always on the go and connivence is key. Making one restaurant faster than another can also help sales and popularity of the establishment. The overall goal of fast food is to be quick and good and that is a necessity for companies in the fast food industry.
