Friday, April 5, 2019

25A Whats Next

Existing Market- College Students aged 19-25
1. The next move in my venture is to create the actual app and sell it to existing apps like venmo and cashapp.
2a. Roommate 1-  age 20 - Agrees that the next move is to create the app. Also thinks it should be very simple and not that complex and it will be more appealing.
2b. Friend 1 - age 21 - Thinks I should have the design for the app, but meet with the already created apps first to get connections so when my venture is done it will be easier to sell because of the previous connections already made.
2c. Friend 2 -age  20 - Agrees with my roommate about creating the app then meeting developers, but disagrees about the simplicity of it as kids in this age range are very good with technology.
3. These interviews have made me realize that I should make the app first and then bring it to the venmos and cashapps of the world. Also making the app not too simple but not too complex is the biggest concern as too easy will make the app seem obsolete, but too complex and no one will know how to use it.

New Market - Older people aged 60 +
1 The new market that I will be targeting is the older generation around the ages of 60 and up. As older people don't know how to use technology well, this product will help make sure their important bank and money info is safe and secure.
2a. Grandparent 1 - Likes the idea, but doesn't know how applicable it is for people his age because they aren't online a lot and mostly go to the bank and such in person because on lack of technological skills.
2b. Grandparent 2 - Loves the idea because she doesn't really know how to use technology and gets confused by it. Thinks if it is simple and easy to use people in the age range will definitely use it.
3. From this new set of interview it made me realize that the design has to be simple to reach more markets. The original market was split between a complex or simple interface, but it wasn't that important to them as it is to the new market. The most important aspect for this new market is how easy it is to use so I will make my venture very easy to use and accessible to all.


  1. Your new market idea is great. people that dont know how to use new tech such as older generations pay money for this kind of teaching. i know i went into a phone repair store a little bit ago and they had $60 an hour lessons just to teach people how to use their phones.

  2. For the new market, old people do not use apps a lot, but I could still see a few attempting to use it. As long as the app is kept simple enough for older people to use while still catering towards your original market then I could see the app taking off.

  3. This will be a great idea. Older people are not clear about the new technologies. I would advice you to make the apps of softwares you will be using very simple and easy to access. That will help our elders to also use that opportunity in order to not be victimized by scammers.
