Friday, April 19, 2019

30A Final reflection

1) From Reading my past posts I realized that my lowest moments where in the beginning when I was still learning how to work my blog and I submitted three assignments the wrong way and got zeros fro them and the high was seeing my progression from my first post to my final post and to see how much more comfortable I have become. 
2) The thing I'm most proud of completing is the class in general. Being able to see how many posts I actually made and to see how they got better as the later post came in was awesome to see and surely something I won't forget anytime soon. 
3)I think I am more an entrepreneur in the way I think now I don't see the negatives in failures anymore only the lessons I learned and the knowledge I gained.
4) I think all students should take this course as it makes you really adapt your mindset  and see things differently. To get your mindset in the entrepreneurship form before this class I would just advise that you never look at anything as a negative and only look at things as positives and see how your viewpoint changes. 

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