Friday, February 22, 2019

14A halfway Reflection

1. The behaviors that I have developed that helped me the most in this class are consistency and scheduling. Taking an online class means you must look at canvas pretty much every day so you must consistently look at canvas. Before this class, when i had online classes I would check canvas like once a week and miss many assignments. The second most important skill is scheduling. If you consistently check canvas you will know when all your assignments are due and you must schedule time to get these assignments done. By combining these two skills you will be very successful in this course.
2. I don't know if I ever felt like giving up, but a couple times I had to use tenacity to finish an assignment when I really just wanted to quit and not do it and just go out and party with my friends. It would be around 10 at night and I would be ready to go out and then see that I had a blog post or a blog comment due and I had to use tenacity to wait 15min and finish my assignment before I went out because that 15 to 20 extra minutes of going out is not worth getting a 0.
3. The three tips that I have for upcoming students is get your work done early and be proactive about it and you won't have to worry about this class at all, if you feel like not doing an assignment do it because these assignments don't take that long and they also help with your writing and thinking skills, and lastly, be tenacious and push through every assignment with your best foot forward because the assignments build upon each other and if you start out weak its going to be harder for you with the later assignments.

 Image result for tenacity

13A Reading Reflection 1

1. The most surprising thing about Phil Knight is how he made his connections in Japan, how he just called up Onitsuka and just talked to him made up a company name and started his business of it is super interesting and inspiring. The thing I admire most about Phil Knight is his ability to adapt to every situation that hit him and keep moving on with his final goal, and the thing I least admired about him was how he lied about having an East Coast Office before he got exclusive distribution from Tiger shoes because even though it worked out in the end, it was dishonest and a straight up lie. Phil Knight experienced much adversity and how he reacted to it makes me look at my own adversity and how I react to it. He mat have changed up his lan many ties due to this adversity, but his end goal was always clear in his head and he was going to get there.
2. The competencies that Phil Knight showed are great tenacity to push through hardship which made him one of the most successful entrepreneurs ever.
3. The part of the reading that was confusing to me was the part where Mr. Knight kept sending mail to Onitsuka and wouldn't get a response for months. Its understandable because this was taking place in the 1960s, but i just can't relate to this part because phones and communication is such a big part of the business world today that its just hard to put yourself in his shoes at this position in time.
4. The two questions that I would ask Phil Knight is how did he keep his optimism after facing adversity after adversity and how good did it feel when he finally broke through and made it and I would ask these because after reading about all the setbacks he experienced I don't know if I could have kept going like he did and how great it felt once he broke through would just be inspiring to hear how it felt.
5. I think Phil Knight's opinion of hard work is a little bit different than mine as he grew up in a different era where hard work was thought of differently because they didn't have the technology that we have today. But I think i could impress him all the same and meet his expectations of hard work if it came to that

Friday, February 15, 2019

12A Buyer Behavior

The segment that I found I am targeting is people from around 18 to 30 who use online transactions on a daily basis. The three people I interviewed are my roommates who are 19, 19, and 20  and use either venmo or cashapp everyday. I started out asking if they think there is a need for more security online on a scale of 1-10, 10 being yes 1 being no, and they all answered 6,8,9 respectively. After that I asked them was have they ever been scammed online and all said yes. After that I asked if they would pay a monthly fee, I said $5 a month, to have someone making sure that there money and information to be secure, and they all agreed again. After conducting these interviews I believe that there is a market for this and it is a need that can be fulfilled.

11A Napkin 1

1. You My experience goes perfectly as I grew up with the internet and have seen it grow and evolve. I go on the internet everyday and have seen my some of the people who I know get scammed online and once that happens there isn't much you can do, so finding a way to prevent it would be ideal. This would play a role in my life because the world is becoming more and more technological and this would go hand in hand with that.

What are you offering to customers?  My app would provide a little extra security and peace of mind to customers. It would make sure all transactions between consumers, on apps such as venmo and cashapp, would be fully secured and make sure they wont get scammed.

3.  Who are you offering it to? The specified group that this app would be for is those who use online transactions a lot, and I know as a college student myself that college students is a big demographic that would be targeted.

4.Why do they care? Consumers care because the majority of them don't understand how the internet works exactly and if they get scammed there is nothing they can really do about it so why not prevent it by downloading my app as an extra security blanket to protect their money and vital information. 

5. What are your core competencies? There are a lot of apps that have security measures to help protect there customers, but that is not there main concern. My apps main concern is security and that is all the energy is focused on. 

I think all these elements fit together to strengthen my business. They all are kinda saying the same thing, but they are just reinforcing the point and because they are all similar I believe they are all equally as good andthere are no weak points.

Friday, February 8, 2019

10A elevator pitch 1

9A Testing the Hypothesis pt 2

Who: Anyone who uses the internet and has sensitive information stored on it falls into the category that is affected by my issue, but older people and kids too young to use the internet fall outside of the boundary. Although older people use the internet they don't use it in the same way that younger people do as they don't have all there sensitive information online and aren't as susceptible to scams because they don't depend on the internet as much as the younger generations. 
What: This idea is different from other internet safety protocols as it is specialization on keeping sensitive information private and not falling for scams online with the help of a third party.
Why:No, the issue just affects the people inside the boundary way more significantly than the ones outside of it.

Inside the Boundary                                                       Outside The BoundaryWho: People who use the internet and have sensitive      Who: People who don't use the internet 
information stored there.                                                    a lot and aren't dependent on it

What:More security and peace of mind online                 What the need is not: If you don't use the                                                                                              internet a lot it doesn't affect you as much

Why The need exists: Everyone uses the                       Alternative Explanations: This issue just ins't 
 internet and it is not as safe or true as it seems              as prevalent to those who are't online all day 
                                                                                         and aren't dependent on it.

Friday, February 1, 2019

8A Solving the Problem

My problem is that there are too many criminals and hackers online who try to exploit the popularity of the internet to scam people and to post fake stuff. I believe that the making of websites and apps and other online enterprises needs to be more secure by going through a screening process of some sort. This would eliminate the issue of people selling fake tickets and scamming them by making them look real online. The regulation has to start at the creation of a site and stay monitoring it.

7A Testing the Hypothesis

Opportunity: As the Internet becomes more and more important the line that keeps whats real and scams becomes blurrier and blurrier.The internet is becoming very complex and needs to be regulated someway.

Who: Everyone who uses the Internet, but mostly millennials.
What: There are many scams online and finding what is true and not is very tough
Why: Everything centers around the internet and criminals and scammers are getting more and more tech savvy.

Testing the Who: Everyone uses the Internet, but millennials and younger people are on it a lot more than the older generations.
Testing the What: Everyone on the Internet is affected by these criminals who send scams out to anyone and everyone on the Internet.
Testing the Why: Everyone will benefit from this problem being fixed as the Internet will be easier and safer to navigate.

Interviews Overview: The main demographic I interviewed was college students ranging from 18 - 25. This age range uses the Internet the most and is most affected by theses scams. Most agreed that this is a big issue due to how long they use the Internet per day. Also many gave me suggestions and advice which helped me shape my idea on how to combat this issue.