Friday, February 22, 2019

13A Reading Reflection 1

1. The most surprising thing about Phil Knight is how he made his connections in Japan, how he just called up Onitsuka and just talked to him made up a company name and started his business of it is super interesting and inspiring. The thing I admire most about Phil Knight is his ability to adapt to every situation that hit him and keep moving on with his final goal, and the thing I least admired about him was how he lied about having an East Coast Office before he got exclusive distribution from Tiger shoes because even though it worked out in the end, it was dishonest and a straight up lie. Phil Knight experienced much adversity and how he reacted to it makes me look at my own adversity and how I react to it. He mat have changed up his lan many ties due to this adversity, but his end goal was always clear in his head and he was going to get there.
2. The competencies that Phil Knight showed are great tenacity to push through hardship which made him one of the most successful entrepreneurs ever.
3. The part of the reading that was confusing to me was the part where Mr. Knight kept sending mail to Onitsuka and wouldn't get a response for months. Its understandable because this was taking place in the 1960s, but i just can't relate to this part because phones and communication is such a big part of the business world today that its just hard to put yourself in his shoes at this position in time.
4. The two questions that I would ask Phil Knight is how did he keep his optimism after facing adversity after adversity and how good did it feel when he finally broke through and made it and I would ask these because after reading about all the setbacks he experienced I don't know if I could have kept going like he did and how great it felt once he broke through would just be inspiring to hear how it felt.
5. I think Phil Knight's opinion of hard work is a little bit different than mine as he grew up in a different era where hard work was thought of differently because they didn't have the technology that we have today. But I think i could impress him all the same and meet his expectations of hard work if it came to that

1 comment:

  1. Phil Knight is one of the entrepreneurs that have inspired. Knowing where he came from and how hard he had to work in order to get where he is now, you can say that hard work and believing in yourself will always pay off. All i can say is that he is an inspiration for all of us and reading about him was worth it. However, the fact that he lied was not something that we should do as entrepreneurs.
