Friday, March 29, 2019

Elevator pitch 3

All the feedback I received on my 2nd video was all positive so I used the same video because there were no critiques. The 2nd video I thought perfected all the critiques I recieved on the first one, mainly to describe cashapp and venmo more thoroughly.

21A Reading 2

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, Scott Adams

1) What was the general theme or argument of the book?
The general theme about this book is that in your failures you learn valuable lessons that help you succeed later on. 
2) How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT 3003?
This book connected with ENT because there are so many elevator pitch and idea napkin assignments and they pair well with the book, because you do them multiple times and they get better and better as you learn from your mistakes and update your assignments. 
3) If you had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book you read, what would that exercise involve?
It would be to pick a pivotal failure in your life and describe it. After that, find something you learned from it and explain how it helped you later on in the future.   
4) What was your biggest surprise or 'aha' moment when reading the book? In other words, what did you learn that differed most from your expectations?
The biggest surprise for me from this book was all the different perspectives you can look at one situation from. It showed that every single failure is also a learning opportunity that you should use to grow and it really made me think on my own past failures. 

Friday, March 22, 2019

20A Growing Social Capital

1) One person must be a domain expert in your industry. 
Ricki Diaz - 20yr old - Works for the twenty app on promoting so he knows how to get in contact with app owners which is crucial for my service. He is my friend that is how I know him. I asked him how he got in contact with the twenty app and how he negotiated with them which is useful information I need. 
2) One person must be an expert on your market. 
Sean Connolly- 20yr old - Another one of my friends who is a computer science major and I asked him about making a software for my service that will work on apps. This conversation as my service works on apps and it gave me some insight on the technical side. 
3) One person must be an important supplier to your industry. 
Max Fernandez - 20 yr old - My roommate who works in the service industry. I talked to him about how he interacts with customers and what the customer wants. This conversation helped me figure out how to find out what the customers want and how to display my service to them. 

Finally: Reflect. 
 This experience will help me a lot as I have learned how to strategically network. It helped me find the best way to network when I use networking in the future. This was different than other networking I had done in the past as I strategically made connections other then them coming by chance.

19A Idea Napkin 2

1. You My experience goes perfectly as I grew up with the internet and have seen it grow and evolve. I go on the internet everyday and have seen my some of the people who I know get scammed online and once that happens there isn't much you can do, so finding a way to prevent it would be ideal. This would play a role in my life because the world is becoming more and more technological and this would go hand in hand with that.

2. What are you offering to customers?  My app would provide a little extra security and peace of mind to customers. It would make sure all transactions between consumers, on apps such as venmo and cashapp, would be fully secured and make sure they wont get scammed.

3.  Who are you offering it to? The specified group that this app would be for is those who use online transactions a lot, and I know as a college student myself that college students is a big demographic that would be targeted.

4.Why do they care? Consumers care because the majority of them don't understand how the internet works exactly and if they get scammed there is nothing they can really do about it so why not prevent it by downloading my app as an extra security blanket to protect their money and vital information. Only younger kids know how to use the internet well and while many college students have a good understanding of the internet they may still get scammed.

5. What are your core competencies? There are a lot of apps that have security measures to help protect there customers, but that is not there main concern. My apps main concern is security and that is all the energy is focused on. 

I think all these elements fit together to strengthen my business. They all are kinda saying the same thing, but they are just reinforcing the point and because they are all similar I believe they are all equally as good and there are no weak points.

Feedback Memo - All the feedback i got was positive and I had no negative feedback on my first post so I used the same one because if its not broken you don't fix it. All the feedback said was that is was a great idea and that emphasizing that the older generation don't know how to use technology as well were my best points so I added a little bit there just to over emphasize those points. 

Friday, March 15, 2019

18A custom avatar

My avatar of my buyer is supposed to represent the demographic of kids 18-25 college students. I chose this demographic because it is what I know best as I fall in its boundaries and also that is the type of buyers my product is aiming to sell too. I know that kids this age use technology for transactions and an extra layer of protection to their transactions would be very attractive to them.  I made the avatar look kinda like me and the kids I know because that is who Im trying to sell too mostly.

17A elevator pitch 2

What I learned from my last video and the comments I received was that I needed to be more enthusiastic and should show how apps like cashapp or venmo work which is what I incorporated into my new video.

Friday, March 1, 2019

16A Secret Sauce

1. Personablity- I think personability is a great quality that entrepreneurs need. Being able to talk to people and make connections is a great help as you can't do everything by yourself and i think this is a good trait I have.
2. Innovation- The ability to think outside the box is a great skill as not everything always go to plan and finding innovative solutions is essential in keeping a business alive.
3. Adaptability - The ability to adapt to different situations is crucial to success. Everything is constantly changing and if you can't change and adapt with it you are behind.
4. Customer Relations - I all the jobs I have worked at I worked at the front and had to deal with customers face to face. I feel that this background helps me understand the customer better and have a good perspective on how to reach them.
5. Level Headed - Being level headed is a great asset to have as making decisions based on emotion usually leads to bad results. By not using emotion and being level headed, decisions can be made better and smarter.

I had issues uploading the audio as they wouldn't load up to this post but here is the summary of them:
All of the 5 people I interviewed about myself agreed that level headedness is the trait most applied to myself as they all mentioned it about my. The most controversial skill was customer relations because I worked in restaurants and not as a conventional "salesman" and the idea of me having this quality was split 3 to 2 that its not a good trait of mine. Some traits that I didn't specifically outline that they told me is confidence and trustworthiness. These are both great traits for business as both make people trust and invest in you as a person and your ideas.

These interviews have definitely made me reflect about my personal qualities. If I had to go back and redo my list I would take out number 4 and number 2 and replace them with confidence and trustworthiness. I would take out 4 because my interviews sided against it and 2 because it is almost the same as 3.

15A Buyer Behavior 2

For my three interviews I interviewed three of my friends ,who are all roommates, who I had not previously interviewed. The most important question I asked was what amount of money would you pay for the security app I am proposing. The answers varying from $5 a month to $10 a month. This feedback makes me think the prime price point would be about $7 a month. All the people interviewed liked the idea of purchasing this service online or in an app as as add on rather than going to a store and paying to get the app installed into your phone. The post-purchase evaluation of the of the interview I took revealed that a good post-purchase attitude is how well the app protects their info. If no issues are shown with security, the post-purchase behavior will always be regarded as positive.