Friday, March 1, 2019

16A Secret Sauce

1. Personablity- I think personability is a great quality that entrepreneurs need. Being able to talk to people and make connections is a great help as you can't do everything by yourself and i think this is a good trait I have.
2. Innovation- The ability to think outside the box is a great skill as not everything always go to plan and finding innovative solutions is essential in keeping a business alive.
3. Adaptability - The ability to adapt to different situations is crucial to success. Everything is constantly changing and if you can't change and adapt with it you are behind.
4. Customer Relations - I all the jobs I have worked at I worked at the front and had to deal with customers face to face. I feel that this background helps me understand the customer better and have a good perspective on how to reach them.
5. Level Headed - Being level headed is a great asset to have as making decisions based on emotion usually leads to bad results. By not using emotion and being level headed, decisions can be made better and smarter.

I had issues uploading the audio as they wouldn't load up to this post but here is the summary of them:
All of the 5 people I interviewed about myself agreed that level headedness is the trait most applied to myself as they all mentioned it about my. The most controversial skill was customer relations because I worked in restaurants and not as a conventional "salesman" and the idea of me having this quality was split 3 to 2 that its not a good trait of mine. Some traits that I didn't specifically outline that they told me is confidence and trustworthiness. These are both great traits for business as both make people trust and invest in you as a person and your ideas.

These interviews have definitely made me reflect about my personal qualities. If I had to go back and redo my list I would take out number 4 and number 2 and replace them with confidence and trustworthiness. I would take out 4 because my interviews sided against it and 2 because it is almost the same as 3.


  1. I think based off of what I read that you have very strong qualities that will be great to bring to the table in your career. They also seem like you can be a great entrepreneur if you ever decide to go down that route.

  2. You have a lot of great qualities that I believe would work well in the business world. Confidence and trustworthiness are probably two of the most important traits to have, so it is good that your interviewees told you that.

  3. Being level headed and innovative are great qualities to have, especially as an entrepreneur. Customer relations skills are hard to develop because customers are the worst. I’ve worked in restaurants, as well, and I’ve had to deal with some very rude people. I think the most important trait you listed is trustworthiness, which can help you both in life and business.

  4. I like your qualities. We have few common ones such as customer relation. However, I'm quiet and believe that I'm that relationship with customers because people tend to tell me that i'm a likable person although I'm quiet. That is a great quality as well specially in Sales.
